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Godfall, UPCOMING GAMES, NEW GAMES, PS5 first game, game of 2020

Godfall is an upcoming action role-playing game developed by Counterplay Games and published by Gearbox Publishing. The game will be released on PlayStation 5 and Microsoft Windows on November 12, 2020 and was the first game confirmed for release on the PlayStation 5.

Initial release date: 12 November 2020
Developer: Counterplay Games
Engine: Unreal Engine 4
Genre: Action role-playing game
Publishers: Gearbox Software, Gearbox Publishing
Platforms: PlayStation 5, Microsoft Windows

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Godfall, UPCOMING GAMES, NEW GAMES, PS5 first game, game of 2020

Godfall, UPCOMING GAMES, NEW GAMES, PS5 first game, game of 2020


Godfall, UPCOMING GAMES, NEW GAMES, PS5 first game, game of 2020,  Godfall 4k Wallpaper

All Weapons 

Godfall, UPCOMING GAMES, NEW GAMES, PS5 first game, game of 2020,  Godfall 4k Wallpaper

Godfall, UPCOMING GAMES, NEW GAMES, PS5 first game, game of 2020,  Godfall 4k Wallpaper, Godfall all weapons

Godfall, UPCOMING GAMES, NEW GAMES, PS5 first game, game of 2020,  Godfall 4k Wallpaper, Godfall all weapons

Godfall, UPCOMING GAMES, NEW GAMES, PS5 first game, game of 2020,  Godfall 4k Wallpaper, Godfall all weapons

Godfall, UPCOMING GAMES, NEW GAMES, PS5 first game, game of 2020,  Godfall 4k Wallpaper, Godfall all weapons

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